Measurement Description
Here's how we are measuring the GIC at our stations
Wa are acknowledge Centre for Physical and Technological Problems of Energy in Northern Areas for development and production of measuring equipment, Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System and IDGC of the North-West for a support to GIC studies at the North-West of Russia.
How we are measuring: Overview
To estimate GIC in the main power line at the North-West of Russia we are measuring nearly DC flowing to the ground at substations in Karelia ant at Kola Peninsula.
Equipment for measurements at each substation is the same and consist of the current pincers with Hall sensor, data conversion block and data collection system. Current pincers are installed at the grounded neutral lead of transformer. Sample of the analog signal from pincers is digitized each 100 milliseconds and after Fourier transformation transmitted to the collecting PC. Once per hour data files are transmitted to the main server in PGI by GSM modem. Time synchronization is tested before data transmission by GPS signal.
Measuring Characteristics
Sampling rate: 10Hz
Dynamic range: +/- 200A
Accuracy: 1.5%