This page provide a short overview of EURISGIC project and decription of services provided on this site
To find more information about EURISGIC project please visit the project official website
About this site
This website is developed by the Polar Geophisical Institute to provide access to the continuously updated archive of GIC recordings during EURISGIC. Eurisgic.org is a part of EURISGIC project funded by European Union under Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-SPACE-2010-1). The purpose of eurisgic.org is provide access to archive and real-time GIC data to the public. The public part of our services is a real-time view to the present GIC activity at a number of GIC-stations via interrective plots ot the induced current recordings carried out by EURISGIC participants. The restricted part of services is access to the numerical data of GIC records. The restricted service is provided only to EURISGIC participants.
EURISGIC project overview
Geomagnetically induced currents (GIC), occurring during magnetic storms, pose a natural disaster risk to the reliable operation of electric power transmission grids. GIC are observed in power transmission grids, oil and gas pipelines, telecommunication cables and railways. EURISGIC (European Risk from Geomagnetically Induced Currents) project focuses on high-voltage power transmission networks, which are probably currently the most susceptible to GIC effects.
EURISGIC will produce the first European-wide real-time prototype forecast service of GIC in power systems, based on in-situ solar wind observations and comprehensive simulations of the Earth's magnetosphere.
By using European archives on geomagnetic recordings, we will also derive the first map of the statistical risk of large GIC throughout Europe. EURISGIC will exploit the knowledge and advanced modelling methods developed in Europe and North America. The results of the study will help in the future design of more robust and secure protection against GIC in power transmission grids in Europe, which are anticipated to become increasingly interconnected and geographically wider.